Saturday 10 August 2013

Viridian Nutrition’s Children’s Supplements - Designed with Your Little Ones in Mind

I have always had a passion for health and nutrition. I’m a great believer that you are what you eat and as a qualified Holistic Therapist I know that what we feed ourselves on the inside has as great a bearing on our health as what we put on it. In fact I’d say it has a greater impact.

We now live in a “quick fix” world. Everything is achieved on the run. We are always in a hurry rushing from one important meeting to the next, running around after the children, or just generally packing our lives full of important things to do. However, what generally happens is that we reach for snacks to fill the hunger gap on the run rather than taking the time out to eat healthily. It’s a shame because over time the body becomes depleted of the vital nutrients it needs and we can end up getting sick or not operating on top form.

The food we eat, particularly fruits and vegetables are sadly far less densely filled with the vitamins, nutrients and phytonutrients they once were due to intense farming practices. This means that the need to supplement is more of a requirement now than it ever used to be.

Children as we know can be fussy eaters and making sure they eat a varied and balanced diet can also be a challenge at times. Rickets has been making a comeback in recent years mainly due to the use of sun screens which can block the skins ability to absorb large amounts of vital vitamin D. Therefore for children the need to supplement can now often be a consideration.

My girls are good eaters and love food. I involve them in the process as much as possible and try to educate them on how what they eat affects their bodies. Even at a young age they can learn so much. I do often supplement their diet with vitamins, minerals and oils so when the opportunity arose to try out and review some of Viridian’s range of supplements I jumped at the chance.

Viridian Nutrition was founded in 1999 and is a leading brand of ethical vitamins. They use only the purest of ingredients and are environmentally aware. Viridian is a UK-based, family owned company who guarantee products are non-GM, non-irradiated with 100% active ingredients with no nasty additives, no added sugars, no colourings or artificial flavourings.

Many nutritional supplements are made up of glues known as binders to hold the tablet together. This can be a real issue if you are hyper allergenic. In addition some use magnesium stearate, stearic acid, shellac, talc and colourings which is a real worry. Viridian pride themselves on the fact that they make their capsules, liquids and powders as pure and simple as possible, avoiding all the nasties and have shown that it is possible to make a range of nutritional supplements which are acceptable to the majority of people.

As taken from their website:

"Our mission at Viridian Nutrition is to bring health and wellbeing to everything we touch. From the fields where much of our ingredients are grown through to the recycling bank where the glass bottles are collected, we wish to follow the ethical principle of 'care for others as we care for ourselves'.

At the heart of Viridian Nutrition is a philosophy that cares for the natural products movement supporting organic growing, the essential nature of health and whole food stores, the respectful preservation of ancient health traditions and the sensitive introduction of innovative complementary health foods, supplements and concepts.”

I was sent a bottle of their ViridiKid 100% Organic Omega-3 Oil, ViridiKid Multivitamin and mineral for the girls and for myself a Viridian High Five B-Complex with Maganesium Ascorbate to try out and here are my thoughts.

Firstly, I like the fact that Viridian are committed to making their range as pure as possible. The first thing I noticed was that the vitamins and minerals are in capsule form rather than the typical tablet which has bound the ingredients together. Choosing the right multi for your kids is a challenge. Cartoon shapes, blackberry flavours, syrups and powders are all on offer but they are often full of sugar or sugar substitutes which are misleading parents according to Viridian.

As Cheryl Thallon, founder of Viridian Nutrition says, “Virtually every child’s vitamin tablet contains sugar or aspartame to make them tasty and easy to take.  I have a child myself and did not want her taking a daily dose of unnecessary additives in this way.  So we set ourselves the challenge of developing a couple of kid’s products which are easy for children to take, but without any nasties – ViridiKid Multi and ViridiKid Omega-3 Oil are the result.”

The ViridiKids Multivitamin and mineral capsules are small and certainly for Sophia (aged 7) were the right size for her to swallow whole with her morning drink. Jess although 2 is still too small to swallow tablets whole with a drink so Viridian have designed them so we were able to sprinkle the contents of the capsule into juice, smoothies or yoghurt overcoming this issue. I tried this out myself in some yoghurt and have to say that the contents did not overpower the flavour of the yoghurt I mixed it in with which impressed me. This vitamin and mineral capsule is free-from gluten, wheat, lactose, added sugars, salt, yeast, preservatives or artificial colourings.

The 100% Organic Omega-3 Oil is lovely and a gorgeous colour. It is a mix of certified (by the Soil Association) Organic Flax Seed, Hemp Seed, Avocado, and Pumpkin Seed, oils. It is free-from gluten, wheat, lactose, added sugars, salt, yeast, preservatives or artificial colourings. It is flavoured with organic vanilla oil and organic orange skin oil but to be honest having tasted it myself, these two oils are not that strong. Some children may not like the oil taste in general but I’ve always had a drink nearby so they can sip at this to take any oily taste away if taken on the spoon. You can also mix this oil into smoothies, salads and even soups. I prefer that oils are taken in their purest form rather than as a capsule as the body is able to utilise it straight away without breaking down the capsule, so this oil is great for that purpose and I’d definitely use it again.

I was sent a High Five B-complex with Maganesium Ascorbate for myself. This was a perfect choice for me as a busy, often stressed mother of two spirited girls ! I liked the fact that these capsules weren’t overpowering in smell. Other B-complex vitamins I have taken have actually made me gag when I’ve taken them purely from the smell of the vitamins themselves. This didn’t happen with Viridian’s range and I also found that they didn’t repeat on me which can often happen to me particularly B-complex. This product as with all their range is free-from gluten, wheat, lactose, added sugars, salt, yeast, preservatives or artificial colourings.

The Viridian range has more than 180 vitamins, minerals, herbs, tinctures, balms, amino acids, specialty nutrients and nutritional oils.  More than 40% of the Viridian range is certified organic by the Soil Association. As well as purity and the environment, Viridian Nutrition is also dedicated to charity. They have as a significant charity donation programme supporting children’s and environmental charities.

I have come across Viridian nutritional supplements before but I have to say that I’d not realised the vast range they have on offer and that the range is so pure, ethical and environmentally friendly. Their main website is well worth a visit as it has lots of information on their range. You can also connect with them on Facebook and Twitter.

Have any of you used the Viridian range of nutritional supplements? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Until next time xx


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Disclaimer: I was given a bottle of ViridiKid 100% Organic Omega Oil, a bottle of ViridiKid Multivitamin & mineral capsules and a bottle of High-five B-complex with Magnesium Ascorbate to try out and review for this post. My views, thoughts and opinions are honest, true and my own feelings on the products I tried. I’ve been impressed with the part of the range I have had the opportunity to use thus far and will be looking at trying out some more of their products in the future.


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