Friday, 16 August 2013

Meet Sprout; The Pencil That Thinks It’s a Plant !

Every once in a while I come across something that just has to be shared and this is one of those moments. Being a blogger opportunities often come my way and this was one that I didn't want to pass up.

I want to introduce you to Sprout. Sprout is a jolly little fellow and is more than what he first appears. It’s a pencil I hear you cry ! Well, yes Sprout is indeed a pencil but a very special pencil is he.

Our 2 Sprout Pencils

Sprout grows; and he grows into a variety of beautiful herbs for all your culinary needs. Confused? Don’t be. Let me tell you more.

You've used your pencil and sharpened it down to a small stub. It’s no longer useful even to a builder who has a tendency to place it behind his ear. I know these things; I’m married to one ! So, what do you do? Well the team behind Sprout brainstormed the idea of being able to plant that pencil stub and make it grow into something delicious, beautiful and fun. And low and behold, Sprout was born.

Your pencil has worn down to a stub

Sprout is now ready for planting
A bit of water and some TLC

Sprout is entirely non-toxic and lead free. Sprout is made using quality, sustainably harvested cedar for the body and then graphite and clay for the pencil nib. The pencil is great to write with, just like any normal pencil, and when you can no longer usefully write with it, you simply plant your pencil stub in some good quality compost and grow it into some fabulous herbs.

Sprout comes in a variety of herbal options; Basil, Dill, Cilantro (Coriander to us British!), Mint, Rosemary, Sage and Thyme. The seeds are organic and are held in the end of the pencil. It’s a great way to stop those that chew their pencils too, as the seeds are stored at the nibbling end !

And hey presto, some lovely herbs

The team at Sprout Europe recommend that you follow the following guidelines when ready to plant your pencil stub. These will give you the best chance of success when growing your herbs:

“PLEASE follow the guidelines on our website carefully, when you plant the pencil to increase your success rate of it sprouting. Remember:

·         good soil quality
·         direct sunlight on the pencil
·         a little water
·         lots of love
·         patience :-)

We have gotten thousands of lovely pictures from people plating their pencil and seeing it sprout, but there is never a 100% guarantee, because these are organic and living seeds. But if you follow our guideline, you will definitely increase your chances :-)”

I really love this quirky idea for a pencil. A great choice for giveaways at business events, or a fun idea for children at schools to get involved with.

We were sent 2 pencils to try and I’m looking forward to growing our herbs once our pencils are small enough. I had to Google what ours were as the writing on the pencil is in Danish. We have ‘Timian’ which is Thyme in English, one of my favourite herbs and one I I know I can grow well so I’m happy.

If you’d like to find out more about Sprout then why not pop across to their website.


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Disclaimer: I was sent 2 Sprout pencils to try out and keep for this review. The views, thoughts and opinions expressed in this post are honest, true and my own feelings on the products I tried. I’m really rather attached to my Sprout pencils and will report back on my herbs once grown.



  1. That's such a cool idea! Let us know how you get on when they're ready to plant :) x

    1. It is great isn't it! I'll be sure to update you on how our herbs turn out xx

  2. That is so cool! I have to have one. Or three :)

    1. The pencil writes really well & the fact you get herbs after it has served its purpose is such a novel idea. I love the concept x


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