Monday 19 November 2012

It’s Competition Giveaway time at Sophia’s Choice !

As the nights draw in and the weather turns colder and wetter, that instinct to hibernate really sets in. It’s hard to believe that once again we are heading towards the end of another year and in just over 5 weeks time it will be Christmas again!

Have you started your Christmas shopping yet? I know I haven’t, and as I’m having to factor in a house move in 9 days time I’m not sure my two lovelies are going to get much in the way of presents at this rate J I think I’m going to have to dust off my Wonder Woman outfit and get myself super organised again.

To help you get in the mood for the forthcoming festivities Sophia’s Choice is running 5 weekly competition giveaways. We have teamed up with BecoThings Baby Products, Green People, John Crane Toys, Shea Mooti and BabyCalm to bring you a lovely selection of Baby, Toddler and Mummy giveaways. You lucky peeps !

The first competition giveaway will run from this Wednesday 21st November for a BecoThings Beco Feeding Set in blue worth £11.99, which includes a plate, bowl and cup all made from natural plant fibres so it’s eco-friendly. If you have a baby about to begin their weaning journey or have a toddler in need of a new feeding set, then this is a great giveaway to enter.

Week 2 runs from Wednesday 28th November and will involve the lovely Green People who have given us one of their “Hello Baby” gift sets which includes: 30ml Soothing Baby Salve – Lavender, 30ml Dry Skin Baby Lotion – unscented and 100ml Baby Wash & Shampoo – Lavender, worth £15.95.

Week 3 will run from Wednesday 5th December and is for a High Tea Matching Set from John Crane Toys. This gorgeous, colourful wooden tea set includes 15 delectable cakes for your little ones to match up on the cake stand and create wonderful tea parties with all their toys. It retails at around £25.00.

Week 4 is Shea Mooti Week where we are giving away a Mama & Baby prize of Baby’s Pure Shea Butter Soap (unscented), a Shea Mooti extra soft natural sea sponge and Mama’s Soothing Leg & Foot Cream worth around £25.00.

And last but by no means least, week 5 sees us giving away Sarah Ockwell-Smith’s first book, BabyCalm – A Guide for Calmer Babies and Happier Parents worth £13.99. The book has had great reviews so if you’re about to become a parent or have just had a baby you will, I’m sure, find this addition to your book collection a valuable one.

I will be reviewing each of the competition giveaways so you know what you are getting and to make sure you are taking note there will be at least one question on each of the products themselves. Each competition will run for 7 days and is open to UK and European residents only. Apologies to our readers further afield.

So there you have it, some lovely competition giveaways to get involved in. Do pop back on Wednesday to enter our first competition and spread the word to anyone you think may be interested in the giveaways we have on offer.

See you soon :0)


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