Friday, 2 November 2012

Ever Heard of Relax Kids ?

As I sit here writing this blogpost I am hit by how eventful the past week has been. I launched Sophia’s Choice blog 16 days ago and the feedback I have had so far has been really positive which is such great news. When you begin something new that’s been whirring around in your own head for so long you are never quite sure how it will be received, so if people are enjoying reading Sophia’s Choice then that makes my day and my week :-)

This week has seen me make contact with some lovely companies who supply some great organic, natural or eco-friendly products. I will be reviewing them all in the coming weeks and also linking in some great competition giveaways in the run up to Christmas, so please do keep checking in for more details as the weeks progress.

As half term comes to an end, poor Sophia has been struck down with illness in the past few days and it all peaked very early this morning with projectile vomiting and lots of tears ! Oh how hard it can be being a parent, but sometimes even harder being a child. The next few days will tell us what she has developed, but one thing I’ve come to rely upon at times like these, along with “I can’t sleep” nights, or “I’ve had a bad dream Mummy” wake-ups is the brilliant ‘Relax Kids’ CDs.

Ever come across them before? If not, you really should take a look.

As taken from their website, “Relax Kids is the UK’s leading expert in children’s relaxation. We offer a range of quality resources to help children feel calm and confident.”

The CDs were recommended to us by friends, when we were really struggling with Sophia’s sleep patterns. She didn’t really start to sleep through the night until she was 4 years old ! Believe me it was tough. Sleep deprived was my middle name. We invested in a couple of the CDs Relax Kids produce, ‘Up, Up and Away’ and ‘Princesses’. We would leave them quietly playing in Sophia’s room after we had read a bedtime story and she would drift off happily to sleep. If she woke in the night and needed some help to drift off again, we would play the CDs and off she would go to sleep again.

As described by Relax Kids themselves, “The CDs are specifically designed to help children manage stress, anxiety, and anger while promoting confidence, self-esteen and peaceful sleep.”

And, they work. Sophia went to bed this evening quite emotional at being ill; feeling uncomfortable and restless. Having a toddler in tow often means I can’t always give Sophia all the time she may need at every given moment, but I know that in an instance like this, I can leave Sophia listening to these CDs and by the time I return to check on her and make sure she is ok and doesn’t need anything else, she is either nice and relaxed waiting for me to return or she is already sound asleep.

Relax Kids ( have CDs, downloadable audios, books and also run classes across the UK. They really are worth taking a look at – I can’t recommend them highly enough.

Have a great weekend everyone. Stay safe this Bonfire & Fireworks weekend.

A bientot !


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