Thursday, 18 October 2012

Welcome to Sophia's Choice !

Firstly, thanks for stopping by to visit Sophia’s Choice.

As mentioned in the “About” section, Sophia’s Choice has been in my head for a long time now. I had my first daughter, Sophia, 6 years ago in Brittany, France and struggled to find natural, organic products to lavish on her. Creams, nappies, clothes, mattresses, toys and baby classes that weren’t conventional or mainstream were extremely hard to find in rural Brittany. I would spend many an evening trawling the internet for products that could be posted out to me in France and so my search began. Not everything we bought was of a natural and/or organic nature, but it was always our intention to make these choices where possible.

The choices available to new parents now are vast, and the variations within those choices are also much more diverse than they ever were. Certainly when choosing natural products for our little ones, the choice we now have is far better than even a few years ago and having the internet at our disposal means that location rarely stands in the way of getting the product we want. You can have it sent from across the other side of the world if you are prepared to pay the shipping costs and it’s not restricted in the country you live in .

Since having my second daughter 22 months ago, what’s available to me now is far greater than it was 6 years ago. We have come a long way in a short space of time – thank goodness.  And some of the mainstream supermarkets are also now stocking some of these items, making them far more accessible to a wider audience.

Through Sophia’s Choice, I aim to share with you the products that have worked for us over the past 6 years and beyond. Not everything within this blog will be natural and organic. We have found some really useful products which do not tick those boxes but I feel they are worth sharing especially if you are first time parents looking for ideas.

All items have been tried and tested by myself and one or both of the girls unless otherwise stated. I will try to give as much information as I can to help you make a decision. Feedback is always welcome. You may even have a similar product from a different company you would also recommend. Please suggest it or email me and I’ll give it a go if appropriate. All views given within this blog are my own unless otherwise stated.

I hope you enjoy reading what I have to share and if by doing this it helps new, or existing parents to make more conscious, and environmentally friendly choices along the way, then I believe that's a good thing.

Happy Reading !


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